THE AMBIGUITY UNIVERSITY is a virtual place where language is analyzed for its poetic split and the nuances between pun and fun are explored. The potential is big. And the danger is even bigger. An example: Mean words always mean something mean. It’s tautological, of course. But that’s what I mean. And, since I said course, why don’t you take one? The Ambiguity University I founded has no walls and everybody can participate. You can apply for the course “Double meaning is never accidental” and learn why people use ambiguous terms intentionally and how words can turn into detonators. Or you can learn how to be a great gaffeur and impress people at parties you don’t want to be invited to anymore. If you like the posters I designed for the Ambiguity University, please contact me; send me your work (or your wok, if you are Chinese) I will be happy to add it in the next chapter dedicated to this topic. Buy bye.

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